Welcome to rabbitland

"There are no passengers on
Spaceship Earth. We are all crew."

Marshall McLuhan, courtesy of

Rick Bébout (rip 1950-2009)



"For fast acting relief, try slowing down."
- Lily Tomlin

thanks for that, Susie

and this courtesy of joe:

Life is uncertain; eat dessert first.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

horses at wildwood manor ranch, georgetown, on, aug 15-09

photos by rabbit with canon photoshot

trailride at wildwood manor ranch, georgetown, on, aug15-09

our most sincere thanks go out to the great horses who put up with us and took us safely through the woods and fields, despite the heat of the afternoon.

these three photos were taken by david.

for more photos, see buck's blog at http://cyberbuck.blogspot.com

trailride at wildwood manor ranch, georgetown, on, aug15-09

we went riding in halton hills. you can ride the swing, fully equipped with saddle, or you can go for the horses. we tried the horses. of course, you can't ride all afternoon without a friendly bbq, so that was our starting point.

the next to the last photo is me on my horse.

now, you can't see me, 'cause i'm in the saddle. really. that's my horse, legend. buck rode minda.
the last photo is shawn, who made all this possible.

photos by rabbit with blackberry


buck the foo fighter


little guy in the window


this here's the qween


our departed honeypie

KC - photo by susie b

KC - photo by susie b
KC is our late Texas kittie-cuz